The indefinite Article: A, AN (Indirketer Artikel)

Gymnasium 1. Klasse Unterstufe

Schreibe die richtige Lösung in die Lücken!

RULES (Regeln):
a - before consonants (vor Mitlauten):→ e.g.: a girl …
an - before vowels (Selbstlaute):→ e.g.: an apple …
USE (Anwendung):
Countables (zählbare) - nouns with a plural: take a, an:→ e.g.: a friend, an apple, …
Uncountables (unzählbere) - nouns without a plural: do not take it:→ e.g.: some wine …
Tommy has dog.
Let's sing song.
Peter needs new desk in her room.
Paul has aunt in Vienna.
We listen to English CD.
I need blue pen. Linda has old bike.
She has exercise book in her school bag.
The speed of this car was 160 miles hour.
They finished unit.
There is new English book on the desk.
She's reading old comic.
They've got idea.
He is drinking cup of coffee.
The girl is pilot.
Innsbruck has airport.
Look! There's bird flying.
My father is honest person.
This is expensive bike.
My friend likes to be astronaut.